Just Write, Dammit!

This is "Just Write, Dammit!" As in, that's all you can do when you use it. As in, put Twitter/Facebook/G+/Farmville/etc. down and just write, dammit. It blocks out all of the background noise of your computer so you can focus on one thing: writing.
It runs on any operating system that supports Java 6. It runs in complete full screen mode. The text is large to encourage flow. The colors are cool to avoid eye strain. A small timer tells you how long you have been writing, and a counter tells you how many words you've written so far. It saves to plain text files and offers no formatting capability whatsoever. Because you shouldn't be spending time on making words emboldened or italicized or picking a font. You should just be writing, dammit.
Standard keyboard shortcuts manage the Open/Save/Close operations. There are no mouse interactions, because your hands should remain on the keyboard where they belong, writing, dammit!
So what the hell are you doing? Get to work!
Keyboard Shortcuts
All keyboard shortcuts are executed while holding the standard modifier key for your operating system. On Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux, that key is the Control key. On Apple OS X, it is the Command key. For simplicity's sake, in this list it is referred to as 'C' and separated by the letter key that triggers a command by a caret symbol '^'.- C^? shows the options screen, which also shows this list of keyboard shortcuts.
- C^S saves the file. If you haven't saved yet, you'll be prompted to select a directory and a filename.
- C^Shift^S saves the document with the file prompt every time.
- C^O opens a document.
- C^N makes a new document (you can have multiple files open at the same time).
- C^[ and C^] (open and close square-brackets) flip back and forth between documents.
- ↑, ↓, ←, → (arrow keys) move the cursor.
- Shift+↑, Shift+↓, Shift+←, Shift+→ selects text while moving the cursor.
- C^C copies a selection of text.
- C^X cuts a selection of text.
- C^P pastes the copied or cut text at the current cursor location.
- C^W closes a document.
- Alt+F4 on Windows and Linux and Command+Q on OS X to close the program.
Need more help with JWD? Email me at sean.mcbeth@gmail.com
Copyright © 2012, Sean T. McBeth